Our process ensures that when we say we can get it done, we KNOW we can deliver.

We are big on communication, clarity, and transparency throughout the entire lifecycle of your app.. So as you’re working through who to trust with your app idea, We want to give you some insight to how we work AND how the process works with us and our clients.

Here’s how we work together:

Step 1: Strategy Call
In this call we’re really trying to assess if we are the right fit — if you’re right for us and if we’re right for you AND if we can help YOU. We want to hear your app’s story. We want to hear your story. We want to know about your funding and budget. We want to know about your expectations.
Step 2: Business Planning Call
In this meeting, we’ll deep dive into your business. We’ll talk about what you’re trying to do on a bigger scale and how your app aligns with that vision. We’ll talk about monetization, your business plan, your marketing plan, and your hiring plan.
Step 3: Engagement & Team Selection
After we lock in expectations, budget, and our engagement, you’ll meet your development team! The great part about working with Strides is that our developers are ready to code right out of the gate… As soon as we kickoff, you’ll start seeing things moving.
Step 4: Specs Call
This is where we’ll map your features to a release schedule, and start getting more specific about your specs. This call rolls us right into our weekly status calls where we will review our big list, and we’ll work on new features every single week.
Step 5: Weekly Feature Releases
This is the most fun part about how we work — weekly feature releases. Typically, the first 4 weeks is focused on designs, revisions, and rapid prototyping — after 4 weeks we begin writing code and launching features.